April 2, 2018 (For National Poetry Month, Alan Squire Publishing is featuring a poet a week from their list with a special sale. From now until April 9, my three…
After Me, Too
October 19, 2017: After Me, Too In the aftermath of the current sexual harassment and abuse scandal — I say current because there always seems to be a new one,…
The Problem of the Personal: How Much Can We Share?
September 6, 2017 This is the second of a series in which I take questions from Shari Lawrence Pfleeger on the poetry writing process. Shari: How much should a poet…
A Circle of Books and Poets
I no longer remember when it was I first set eyes on that beloved literary dynamo, Grace Cavalieri. As a young poet, I came to know and love her voice, as I heard it in her poems and also on her radio interview show, The Poet and the Poem, then broadcast on WPFW.
Poems, New & Old
Spring is here and I’m happy to celebrate poems new and old. My third full-length collection of poems, The Last Girl, will be available later this year. Along with it,…
The Next Big Thing
The Next Big Thing is a cool sort of combination of chain letter and a “tag-you’re-it” interview game for writers. I was tagged by Nick Courtright (who was tagged by…