Looking for Guenevere is a one–act play in three scenes that retells Arthurian legend from a woman’s perspective. The characters are two contemporary women who, over the course of an…
On the poetry collection, Orpheus in the Park: Current News (updated 1/28/08): A new review of Orpheus in the Park by poet Alex McRae has just appeared on Eyewear, a…
Inspired by research she undertook into the lives of medieval women mystics, Rose’s first novel, A Secret Woman, is forthcoming in April 2012. The book interweaves two narratives, one of…
As my first poetry collection, Difficult Weather, is going into a second edition in 2012, I thought I’d take a look back at a couple of poems from that book….
Readings and Talks: READINGS AND APPEARANCES, 2013: Rose will be reading from her first novel, A Secret Woman, in the U.S. and U.K. this year. Upcoming appearances include the Kensington…
CURRENT NEWS: March 21, 2016 Hello there! Rose here. In the next few months, I’m going to be updating this site to make it more interactive, multi-media, and all-around fun…